# @(#)70 1.1 init.tapi, scocmdadmin, sco_2.3 8/24/93 18:18:30, SecureWare, Inc. # @(#)init.tapi 15:23:33 6/3/93 SecureWare, Inc. # Copyright (C) The Santa Cruz Operation, 1988. # This Module contains Proprietary Information of # The Santa Cruz Operation, and SecureWare Inc. # and should be treated as Confidential. PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/etc:/etc/conf/bin plist=/etc/perms/secdev # permlist of this product set="TAPI Extensions" : ${OK=0} ${FAIL=1} # Remove temp files and exit with the status passed as argument cleanup() { rm -rf /tmp/tapi exit $1 # main() echo "Updating File Control Database ..." cp /tmp/tapi.fcdb /etc/auth/system/files.fcdb/20.packages/tapi.fcdb echo "... Merging new File Control Database entries" /tcb/bin/mkfcdb echo "... File Control Database update complete" echo "Resetting file system security attributes ..." /tcb/bin/setfiles >/dev/null 2>&1 echo " ${set:-Product} has now been installed.\n" cleanup 0